Modern & Contemporary Art - Group 'Forces Nouvelles' - Abstract art of the 50s
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Natalia DUMITRESCO (1915 -1997)


Natalia  DUMITRESCO - Depuis le temps, 1975

Document sans nom

The artist Natalia Dumitresco, after graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts of Bucarest where she was born in 1915, exhibited in her native city from 1940 to 1947 before settling in Paris. With her husband and compatriot, Alexandre Istrate, she worked alongside the legendary Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi. Their friendship continued until the sculptor’s death in 1957 and they were his universal heirs. Close to the lyrical abstract painters of the Jeune Ecole de Paris Natalia Dumitresco participated in their events. Her solo exhibitions, which started as early as 1957 at the Galerie Breteau continued from Paris to Washington, from Basel to New York. She was always true to her origins and decorative motifs from her native country appear discretely in her art, rid of all folkloric clutter. The recurrent motif above all in her work is the square which had been magnified by the Suprematist masters Malevitch, Lissitzky, and Klioune. An example is the magnificent gouache on a red background shown in the exhibition, where she makes her personal mark by using with great refinement a profusion of lines and hatching, black and coloured marks that are superimposed to occupy and make the space vibrate. Networks of horizontal and vertical lines intersect in piles of starred quadrilateral forms that irresistibly evoke urban structures. Around 1980, she adopted acrylic and transposed her coloured imagination onto totems in polychrome resin without ever giving up her non-figurative tendencies.


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